Relationship Building to Advance Your Career

One of the keys to success in advancing your career is relationship building. When you participate in activities in and out of the office and in networking groups, you meet many people from different industries and different job functions. How do you build relationships with these people so they can help you advance your career? Join us for this workshop where your will see how YOU can build these relationships.

Possessing a skill set that combines finance, business development, operations and administration management, information technology, logistics and manufacturing, Marty Latman has been successful in organizing start-up companies, turning around organizations, improving product margins, and setting strategic company direction. His experience is predominantly with emerging and middle market employers. Marty Latman is a CPA and is currently the CFO at Prestige Industries, LLC.  Prior to joining his current company, he held other executive positions at other organizations, including   CFO at the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra.

Marty is the chairman of the Bergen Chapter of Financial Executive Network Group (FENG), which he created in March 2002 with 29 members. Membership within this chapter has now grown to over 4,800 members.  Since its inception, FENG-Bergen Chapter has successfully helped more than 1,250 of its members find gainful employment at a time when the country was in a period of lower employment. He is also the chairman of NJ Strategic Executive Networking Group (NJSENG) and co-leader at Careers – in- Transition (CIT) networking Group.

Marty has been a guest speaker to many networking groups where he has discussed various career development topics including networking, interviewing techniques and advance career planning strategies. He has spoken at the Annual Conference of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), Financial Executive International (FEI), Financial Planning Association of NJ (FPANJ), Media Communication Association – International (MCA-I), Career Forum, Phi Beta Kappa, Careers-in-transition (CIT), Breakfast Club, Neighbors-helping-Neighbors, Westchester Networking Organization (WNO) and others. Marty has been a guest on the radio show and CFO Studio..

Marty is a resident of Franklin Lakes, New Jersey.