Your Career Curriculum

Are you asking what can I do to keep pace with Digital Disruption so that my skill sets remain current?

This presentation will guide participants thru the following:

  • Examining various digital technologies by identifying the disruption they are causing and the opportunities they are creating 
  • Reviewing root causes as to why it’s hard to stay current
  • Introducing the concept of a "Career Horizon" and why it’s critical to evolving your career
  • Developing your own "Career Curriculum" and identifying the core and elective classes specific to you
  • Techniques and technologies you can leverage to begin implementing that curriculum

George Pace has a diverse career in IT spanning a range of disciplines and technologies. He continues to "Keep Pace" with leading edge technologies such as Cloud Computing, Big Data and Social Media and is sharing his insights on his YouTube Channel. George holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Seton Hall University and an MBA from the Rutgers University Business School, Newark and New Brunswick.

Visit my YouTube channel here: